Maintenance, repair, and operations (MRO) materials can account for between 3% and 5% of revenue for many companies, so looking at ways to make the process more efficient and the materials less costly makes sense. Even high-volume, low-dollar materials like nuts, bolts, light bulbs, safety equipment, and office supplies warrant the same level of strategic focus that traditionally is applied to investments in raw materials and capital equipment. But how can a series of individual, ad hoc processes be transformed into a company-wide strategic plan for indirect purchases?
Infor EAM iProcure, offered as a web-hosted, subscription-based service, helps consolidate vendors and aggregate indirect spend with individual suppliers to better control costs. One-click access to images and item details of more than 10 million industrial parts and services is just the beginning of how iProcure streamlines purchasing.
Read the brochure to learn how to make MRO more strategic.
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